Did you notice the new blog header?
Today, I uploaded a new blog header here on my blog. It was created and designed – JUST FOR ME – by Jemma at Dorkface. I adore her design!
I have been searching for something to use as a header for this site for years. I wanted a design which would look good and match my Adrienne Z. Milligan-Bean – Author Facebook page.
This new blog header is just what I have been looking to add to my site!
I already have plans to use this header for other aspects of my business. I am so excited!
Thank you, Jemma! You are amazing!!
A new blog header and color scheme go hand-in-hand!
Yes, I changed this today, too!
With the new blog header, the previous background did not work well anymore. The previous background had a picture that I had “settled” with and knew it would not stay forever.
If you do not already know, purple is my favorite color – so this new color scheme is just right for me!
Have you checked out some of my newer pages?
If you are in need of website content or copy, check out My Writing Services. I am happy to discuss your current or upcoming projects.
To see where I have published my work, please visit My Writing Portfolio. I hope I have listed all of my work. If you know of an article I missed, please contact me.
To see where I have been mentioned in the media, please visit My Media and Press. If you have media coverage I have missed or would like to interview me, just let me know.
Do you need a referral for a business or company? Please contact me and maybe I know someone to recommend.
Change can be good – even on your website!
I would love to know how you have changed your website or blog’s header or color scheme to make it more YOU. Share your experience. It is great to learn from each other!
P.S. This post was originally published on AdrienneZMilligan.com. It now resides here on AdrienneZMilliganBean.com as I have moved my first author blog to this domain.